
Help and support.

Welcome to WakeUp.zone - the first fully encrypted social network, built on top of the SunCore platform. The SunCore platform is based on four principles: data ownership, privacy, compensation and trust. Those principles provide WakeUp.zone users to enjoy their rights to fully control their own data.There is not user tracking and cookies on the WakeUp.zone. User can receive targeted advertising only by the information user discloses himself/herself and gets paid for it.

WakeUp.zone basic operation

Managing your account



SUN tokens

Privacy and Safety

Philanthropy account

Creating account

  1. Install WakeUp.zone from Apple store or Google Play

  2. Open WakeUp.zone

  3. Choose yellow pill to wake up

  4. Enter your phone number, user name and password and press ‘Let’s start’ key

  5. Generate your seed words, private and public key

  6. Once you backup your seed words and store them in to the safe location, press ‘Next’ key

  7. Verify your seed words by entering two randomly offered ones

  8. SMS will be sent to your phone with validation code

  9. Enter validation code

  10. Congratulation. You are finally awaken. You will be forwarded to ‘Basic info’

Your basic info

  1. In the main menu press ‘Profile’, then ‘Basic info’ tab

  2. Fill following fields: First name, Last name, Display name, Date of birth, Gender, Occupation, Country, City, Email.

  3. If you are filling Basic info for the first time after creating an account, press ‘Save’ and you will be credited with award in SUN tokens. Your SUN token balance on top of the display will change. You can find award details in 5 ways to earn SUN section of this document.

  4. If you want to edit any field with Basic info, just type the changes and press ‘Save’ if you want to save the changes, or ‘Cancel’ if you want to cancel the changes

Your avatar

When you create the account your avatar will be presented as your initials that you input in your ‘Basic info’. If you want to replace your avatar do as follows:

  1. In the main menu press ‘Profile’, then ‘Basic info’ tab

  2. Press your existing avatar on the top of the screen

  3. Choose ‘Use Camera’, ‘Use Gallery’ or ‘Cancel’

  4. If you choose ‘Use Camera’ take the photo then press ‘Use the photo’

  5. If you choose ‘Use Gallery’ choose the photo from the Gallery

Log in and Log out

Log in

  1. When you start WakeUp.zone app, you will be asked to enter your username and password

  2. Enter correct username and password

  3. If you want your username and password to be saved on your device, check ‘Keep me logged in’ button

  4. Press ‘Log in’ key

Log out

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Log out’

Feed and post


  1. Press ‘Feed’ on the main menu

  2. Choose ‘ Post’, ‘Post+Ads’ or ‘Ads’ tab

  3. In the ‘Post’ section of the Feed you can scroll through your and your friends’ posts. There are no ads in this section

  4. In the ‘Post+Ads’ section you can scroll through your and your friends’ posts and ads placements, if you are targeted because of the information you have provided filling the Forms section. If you watch the video placed in your feed, the first time you watch the ad you will be credited with SUN tokens, as a part of the ad revenue share that advertiser paid for an ad placement. You can find the ad revenue share equation in 5 ways to earn SUN’ section of this document.

  5. In ‘Ads’ section you can browse through ads by choosing ‘category’ tab. For every ad watched, for the first time you watch that ad, you will be credited with SUN tokens, as a part of the ad revenue share that advertiser paid for an ad placement. You can find the ad revenue share equation in 5 ways to earn SUN section of this document. If you want to find more about the specific ad, press ‘Discover more’ and you will be forwarded to the advertisers’ web site.


Type of posts:

‘Public’ posts are encrypted and are visible to your Friends and You only. The philosophy of WakeUp.zone app is that users should be compensated for usage of their data. Our intention is, as a next step of app development, to provide our users with option to sell their data (posts, comments, images, videos, texts, etc.) on the data exchange market, that we call DBay. Choosing ‘Public’ for your post will qualify that post for sale.

‘Private’ posts are encrypted by your private key and are visible only to you. You can browse through Private posts in 'My post’ section. The information in those types of posts are valuable to you and are for yours eyes only. These posts can contain your ID or passport picture, credit card or bank account information, medical records, financial statements, insurance policy, and anything else that you consider private. Some of these posts can be valuable for companies dealing with research, AI software development and BigData entities. Our intention is, as a next step of app development, to provide our users with option to sell their data on the data exchange market, that we call DBay. Choosing ‘Private’ for your post will enable you to give consent, by unlocking your post, to the third party to use your data once they pay for it.

‘Free’ posts are not encrypted. This is usually information of common interest that you do not want to be compensated for, like traffic conditions, weather information, congratulations, etc.

To post
  1. Press ‘+’ on the main menu

  2. Type the text of the post (You can not publish post without text)

  3. Choose the type of the post: Public, Private or Free.

  4. Attach image or video from the gallery, shoot the photo or video by camera.

  5. Press ‘Share’ button to post or ‘Cancel’ if you changed your mind.

Comments and Likes


  1. Press ‘Comments’ on the specific post that you want to comment. The number in front of the ‘Comments’ is the number of existing comments on this post.

  2. Click on avatar of the user who has already commented on this post if you want to see his/her profile. You will not be able to see user’s profile if you are not friends.

  3. Type your comment

  4. Press ‘Post’

  5. Press ‘<‘ to go back to Feed.


  1. Press ‘symbol of little sun’ if you like the specific post.

  2. Press ‘symbol of little sun’ again if you want to remove your like

  3. The number in front of the ‘Suns’ is the number of existing likes this post has.

  4. Press ‘Suns’ if you want to see the other user who liked this post.

  5. Click on avatar of the user who already liked this post if you want to see his/her profile. You will not be able to see the user’s profile if you are not friends.

  6. Press ‘<‘ to go back to Feed.

Friends management

  1. Press ‘Profile’ in the main menu

  2. Press ‘ Friends’ tab

Search for the friends on WakeUp.zone

  1. Press ‘Profile’ in the main menu

  2. Press ‘ Friends’ tab

  1. If you want to find and connect with the user on the WakeUp.zone press ‘Start Search’ button

  2. Enter E-mail or Username

  3. Press ‘ Start Search’ button

  4. The list of possible contact will be displayed

  5. Click on the user’s avatar to see the user’s profile

  6. If you want to send a friend request press ‘Add Friend’

  7. ‘Add Friend’ will change to ‘Pending’

  8. Press ‘ Pending’ if you want to cancel the friend request or ‘X’ if you want to keep the friend request and go back to Friends screen

Search through your friend list

  1. Start typing the name of your friend

  2. The list of possible result will be displayed

Unfriend existing friend

  1. If you do not want to be friend with somebody from your friends list, press ‘Unfriend’ button next to this user name

Viewing Friend posts

  1. Press the avatar or the name of the friend in the friends list, whose posts you want to see

  2. The friend’s posts will be displayed

  3. Press ‘<‘ to go back

Forms (profile yourself)

There is no collecting of the users’ data on WakeUp.zone. We do not track users or place cookies. We do not profile our users by the content of their posts, comments or likes. The user can receive targeted advertising only by the information that the user discloses himself/herself and gets paid for it. We are offering to you the set of forms with different categories that might be of interest to you. For each form field you will receive an award in SUN. You can find award details in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document. By filling the forms you will profile yourself so you can receive targeted ads and share the revenue that the advertiser paid for an ad placement. You can find the ad revenue share equation in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document.

Filling the forms

  1. Press ‘Forms’ on the main menu

  2. Scroll through list of the categories offered

  3. Choose the category that you are interested in

  4. Scroll through the subcategories offered

  5. Check all the subcategories that you are interested in

  6. Press ‘Confirm’ if you want to save the selection or ‘<‘ if you want to cancel

  7. If you press ‘Continue’ you will be asked to confirm your selection. If you press ‘Yes’ your selection will be saved. If you are filling this category for the first time, you will receive an award in SUN and your balance will change. You can find award details in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document. If you press ‘No’ you will return to this category. Press ‘<‘ if you want to go back to the list of categories.

  8. Once you fill and save one category selection, you can edit the selection of subcategories any time, but you have to have at least one subcategory checked. You can fill as many categories as you like. For each category filled you will receive award in SUN. You can find award details in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document.

WakeUp Call (referral)

You are awaken. Help your friends to wake up too. Send them a ‘WakeUp call’, invite them to join you on the WakeUp.zone network, and benefit data ownership and privacy, what we believe are the basic human rights. For each friend of yours, who creates an account on WakeUp.zone through your ‘WakeUp call’ you will receive one time reward in SUN. You can find the award details in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document.

How to initiate WakeUp call

  1. Press ‘Profile’ from the main menu

  2. Press ‘Friends’ tab

  3. Press ‘Wake Up Call’ button

  4. Choose a medium to send invitations through (Email, message, app)

  5. You can select multiple contacts

  6. Press ‘Send Invitation’ button

  7. System will generate a link with your referral in it.

  8. If your friend creates an account through this link you will be awarded in SUN. You can find the award details in '5 ways to earn SUN' section of this document.

  9. You can invite as many friends as you wish.

My posts

If you want to browse only through your posts or find specific type of post, you can do this in ‘My posts’ section of the WakeUp.zone

  1. Press ‘ More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘My posts’

  3. Your latest posts will be on top of ‘My posts’ feed

  4. You can scroll through all your posts

  5. If you want to scroll only through a specific type of posts press ‘Filter’ button in the top right corner

  6. Choose between ‘All’, ‘Public’, ‘Private’ or ‘Free’

  7. Depending on your choice, ‘My posts’ feed will be filled with chosen types of posts only

  8. If you want to see all your posts again, press ‘Filter’ button in the top right corner and choose ‘All’

Managing your account

Forgot password

When you are in LogIn section of the app, if you forgot your password you can press ‘Forgot password?’ link.

  1. Press ‘Reset code’ button

  2. Four digits Reset code will be sent to you

  3. Enter Reset code

  4. You will be taken to the new screen ‘Reset password’

  5. Enter the new password in the field for a new password

  6. Confirm the new password by typing the same new password in the confirm password field

  7. Press ‘Confirm’

  8. After confirmation press ‘Back to login’

  9. Login with your new password

Restoring account

If for any reason you need to restore your account (change your device) here is the procedure to do so.

  1. Install WakeUp.zone from Apple store or Google Play

  2. Open WakeUp.zone

  3. Press ‘Already awaken’ link on the Yellow and Blue pill screen

  4. Enter seed words that you saved the first time you created the account on the WakeUp.zone

  5. Your private and public keys will be restored and saved in your new device

  6. You can now login to the WakeUp.zone app

Change password

  1. Press ‘More’ in the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Press ‘Change password’

  4. Enter the current password in the ‘Old password’ field

  5. Enter the new password in the ‘New password’ field

  6. Confirm the new password by typing the same password in the ‘Confirm password’ field

  7. Press ‘Confirm’ button

Deleting Your account

If for any reason you want to delete your WakeUp.zone account, there is few things you have to check before you do it.

  1. Check if your account is one year old or more

  2. Check your SUN token balance

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Press ‘Delete account’

  4. You will receive information how old your account is and what your SUN balance is.

  5. If your account is less than a year old, you will be asked to send back the SUN tokens you were awarded for crating the account and filling the forms.

  6. If your SUN balance is not 0 you will be asked to send your SUN tokens to your stellar account.

  7. Once you are ready to delete account press ‘Back to the dreamworld’

  8. Your account and all your data will be deleted from the WakeUp.zone

Downloading your information

You have the right to download all the information that the WakeUp.zone has about you at any time. Unlike other conventional social networks and platforms, we hold only the information that you disclosed to us, and get paid for it.

Your basic info and category listing, free posts, and comments are available for downloading. Private and public posts are encrypted and readable only to you (Private posts) and your friends (Public posts).

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Press ‘Download your information and data’

  4. The file with all your information will be sent to the e-mail you supply in the Basic info


Token sound

You can turn on or off token sound when your SUN balance is changed

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Turn Token sound on or off

Change password

Download your information and data

Clear cache

You can clear data that the WakeUp.zone app stored on your device.

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Press ‘ Clear cache’

Seed words

You can find and copy your seed words.

  1. Press ‘More’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Settings’

  3. Press ‘Seed words’

  4. Press ‘Copy to clipboard’ if you want to copy your seed words

Delete account


  1. Press ‘Profile’ on the main menu

  2. Press ‘Dashboard’ tab


Total Funds

Your balance in SUN and its current value in € is displayed


Your balance in SUN and it’s current value in €, that you were awarded by creating account, filling the forms or wakeup call, is displayed


Your balance in SUN and it’s current value in €, that you earned by watching the targeted and ad browser ads, is displayed.

Philanthropy account

Current balance of Philanthropy account is displayed


  1. Press ‘Donate’ button if you want to donate any amount of SUN to Philanthropy account

  2. Enter the amount of SUN you want to donate

  3. Press ‘Donate’ button

Discover more

Press the ‘Discover more’ to find more about Philanthropy account

Top performer

The balance of the top performer on the WakeUp.zone is displayed

SUN tokens

5 ways to earn SUN

1. Creating account

Create an account on the WakeUp.zone and receive award of 10€* paid in SUN tokens. System has real time checking SUN value on the Stellar Exchange. Example: If the current value of SUN is 0.05€ you will receive 200SUN

2. Filling forms

Fill the forms on the WakeUp.zone and receive award of 10€* paid in SUN tokens, for each category that you fill. System has real time checking SUN value on the Stellar Exchange. Example: If the current value of SUN is 0.05€ you will receive 200SUN

3. WakeUp Call

Send WakeUp call to your friends and invite them to join you on the WakeUp.zone network and receive 5€ paid in SUN tokens for every friend that creates an account on the WakeUp.zone through your invitation. System has real time checking SUN value on the Stellar Exchange. Example: If the current value of SUN is 0.05€ you will receive 100SUN

4. Watch the targeted video ad

If you watch the video placed in your feed, the first time you watch the ad you will be credited with SUN tokens, as a part of the ad revenue share that the advertiser has paid for an ad placement. The formula for the revenue share per each targeted user is: 50%TCC where TCC stand for Targeted Campaign Cost per user. Example: If the TCC is 1€ per user and the current value of SUN is 0.05€ you will receive 10SUN

5. Ad browser

Browse through the ads in ‘Ads’ section of the ‘Feed’. For every ad watched, for the first time you watch that ad, you will be credited with SUN tokens, as a part of the ad revenue share that the advertiser has paid for an ad placement. The formula for the revenue share per each ad watched is: 50%UCC, where UCC stand for Un-targeted Campaign Cost per user. Example: If the UCC is 0.1€ per user and the current value of SUN is 0.05€ you will receive 1SUN

* 1€ will be automatically donated by you to Philanthropy account

Exchanging SUN

If you want to exchange SUN for any crypto currency or FIAT (€, $, GBP, etc) you can do it on Stellar Exchange. To do so, you have to have the stellar wallet opened, and to have SUN tokens in the wallet. You can always send SUN tokens to stellar account from the WakeUp.zone app or you can buy SUN on the stellar exchange.

Buying SUN

If you want to buy SUN tokens you can do it on Stellar Exchange. To do so, you have to have the stellar wallet opened. There you can buy or trade with your SUN tokens for any crypto currency or FIAT (€, $, GBP, etc).

Opening Stellar wallet

If you want to spend your SUN tokens, you can do it through the Stellar wallet. All the information regarding opening the stellar wallet you can find on this link.

Send SUN to Stellar

  1. Press ‘More’ in the main menu

  2. Press ‘Stellar account’

  3. Enter your stellar account address

  4. Enter amount of SUN tokens that you want to send to Stella wallet

  5. Press ‘Sign Transaction’ button

Privacy and Safety

Your privacy

Privacy is one of the four pillars of SunCore and WakeUp.zone philosophy. The privacy is of the utmost importance to us.

WakeUp.zone is build on top of the powerful blockchain and smart contract SunCore platform. This platform enables the WakeUp.zone users to enjoy full privacy while using our app. We do not track our users, our users’ geolocation and we do not use cookies.

The only information that we keep about you are the information you provided to us by filling Basic Info or by filling Forms that we offered to you, and paid you with SUN tokens. And all this information is duly registered in the blockchain as a guarantee of privacy.

Your posts are not readable to us as they are fully encrypted by the keys stored on your device. Your private posts can be read only by you, and your public posts only by you and your friends. Your free posts are not encrypted but they are registered in the blockchain where all access to it is visible.

In the Feed section of the WakeUP.zone app, you can always choose one of the three offered models: Posts, Posts+Ads or Ads only. If you do not want to be disturbed by ads you can choose Post mode and enjoy app in full privacy.

Keeping your private key secure

During the 'Creating account’ procedure, you will be asked to generate seed words, private and public key. Before you proceed to the next step, it is ultimately important to save these information. We suggest writing them down, making screenshoots and if possible making a printout hard copy, and putting it on the safe place.

In case you change your mobile device, you will need these information if you want to Restore your WakeUp.zone account’.

Once you create an account on WakeUp.zone, you can find and copy your seed words in ’Seed words’.

Reporting abuse

If you want to report any kind of abuse or inappropriate content, please report abuse to us. We will analyze the report and make actions which can lead to block and disable such a user.

  1. Press three dots sign on the top right corner of the post that you want to report.

  2. Type the report in the Description field

  3. Press ‘Send Report’ to report abuse or ‘Cancel’ if you changed your mind.

Philanthropy account

Lets do something good!

Help the planet and others in need.

We appreciate your help. In order to help the efforts of many activists and organizations that are fighting for environment protection or helping to improve the lives of indigenous communities, we created a philanthropy account.

One € paid in SUN token will be donated to Philanthropy account from every ‘ Create account and Fill the forms’ award. Once a year, projects of a philanthropic nature will compete for the funds from the philanthropy account and you will be the jury.